When I bought this blog, I had a billion ideas racing through my head. My heart wanted me to write about the horrific things I have been reading everyday but I was so worked up over it, that I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to say. Has that ever happened to you? Maybe? It blows my mind that if this was 10 years ago, I’d be like a weeks worth of posts in already because I had lots to say on my former blog!
Speaking of which, I guess I wish I could find that passion again. The first domain name that I ever felt connected to was eclipsedsky.net which is a beautiful, poetic name without any real ties to it. One day, when it was time to renew, I decided that I wanted a ‘fresh start’ and created intothesky.net (it may have been intothesky.org but my brain cannot remember!) but alas, that sparked zero creativity in me and it did absolutely nothing. I also had faded.nu and vintagelove.org lol. You can probably guess how those worked out for me!
Now I am back with paperunicorns.net (I, for some reason, really love the .net extension compared to .com) and I am really hoping this leads to a lifestyle blog that I can stick with! Fingers crossed that it doesn’t just become a huge random rant blog for me because honestly, that is usually what fires up my writing. I need a place to vent! Now, I do want to say that everything I write is my opinion. I try very hard to keep an open mind about subjects but here is the thing about me.. if I find something that I get passionate about, I start digging into resources. I especially start digging if I get horrified or amazing about something! I need proof, facts, reasoning! So, here we are. Lets see where this journey takes us, shall we?